Design and manufacture of agricultural and industrial equipment
Salad layer and planter
unrolling machine + salad planter
This machine has been designed for the cultivation of lettuce.
The film perforation system makes it possible to make an imprint in the soil corresponding to the shape of the plant.
The planting principle requires little digging, and allows the plant to be well positioned in the soil, as it is placed directly by the operator in the impression, thus avoiding any plant lying down.
The adjustments between rows are made by wheels mounted on a shaft. It is possible to obtain an adjustment ranging from 12cm to 1m20 on the row with an inter-axis on demand, the whole being mounted on a spreader bar coupled to the unrolling machine.
In order to have access to the lettuce plants, a desk is placed in front of the operator, at the back of which is a frame supporting 2 seats adjustable in width. The frame with the two seats is supported by an articulated axle which allows the machine to follow the irregularities of the ground, both on slopes and on the slope, without altering the operation of the unrolling machine and the perforating elements.